Why you need Small Starter Pack?
First time on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and UiPath? Don't have an idea for automation?
Small starter pack will help you to learn and familiar with UiPath. We provide UiPath Starter Pack to let you experience the look and feel of UIPath and trial it yourself. We offer support for you to plan, build, manage, run, and measure automation using UiPath.
Collect Customers Data from Website
In this case, a user needs to collect the customer's data from a web application, processing into Excel, and send the result via email. The user needs to copy the name, address, birthday, and phone number of the customer.
If it needs to be processed manually isn't the user going to be overwhelmed?

How UiPath Help Collect Customers Data from Website Automation?
UiPath robot capable of mimicking human user actions.
UiPath robot will help you to improve the speed of the operation, accuracy and end the repetitive tasks.
Collect Customers Data from Website Automation using UiPath
Build automation with no code using UiPath StudioX
Create a new project by selecting a blank task in the new project section.
Fill in the process name, location, and description
Let's build the UiPath robot
Add activity "Input Dialog" to determine the number of customers whose data will be collected
Add activity "Input Dialog" to specify email recipient
Add activity "Build Data Table" to specify the column name
Click tab Variables and change variable type customer to integer
Add new variable iRowNo, outputfile, mailFrom and mailPassword
Add activity "Open Browser" to specify the website address
Add activity "While" to repeat the process based on the number of customers whose data will be collected
Add activity "Assign"
Add activity "Get Text" to get the customer name
Add activity "Get Text" to get the customer birthday
Add activity "Get Text" to get the customer address
Add activity "Get Text" to get the customer phone number
Add activity "Add Data Row" to add the value into table
Add activity "Click"
Add activity "Write Range"
Add activity "Send SMTP Mail Message"
Add activity "Close Tab" to close the browser
Add activity "Message Box" to show the process is completed
Click the button "Run"
List of UiPath components on Collect Customers Data from Website Automation :
Activity Input Dialog
Activity Build Data Table
Activity Open Browser
Activity While
Activity Assign
Activity Get Text
Activity Add Data Row
Activity Click
Activity Write Range
Activity Send SMTP Mail Message
Activity Close Tab
Activity Message Box