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What is Lamp?


Updated: May 17, 2024

Lamp, which stands for "Leasing & Finance Advanced Management Portal" is an ideal package solution for leasing and financial business. The core of Lamp is a framework and has modules to adapt to various financial businesses and schemes, such as Finance Leases, Operating Leases, Mortgage loans, factoring, and hire purchases. By using Lamp, our customers can improve operational efficiency. Lamp global network has been implemented in 37 clients in 8 countries at 255 sites.

What was the expectation?

In the process of selecting a core system, our customers had interest in Lamp which covers almost the entire scope of leasing operations. These are the modules of Lamp.

Mortgage Loan Modul

Lamp delivers a one-stop solution from mortgage loan application to contract details, repayment management and reports etc.

Dealer Front Web Module

Front web can allow the agency/dealer to input information directory and refer customer information. The lamp delivers the seamless data access and inquiry among mortgage company, agency, and dealer on secure environment.



Collection Management

In collection management module, Lamp record the operation during collection (print collection letter, SMS, Tel, External Collector Assignment, etc). And some of the action can be run in batch process.

Credit Risk Management Modul

Credit Risk Management, the functions consists of three main functions:

1. Customer credit rating management

Manage Credit rating , the results of the quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation rating. Evaluation indicators and threshold, the weight can be freely set for each customers. Manage the rating results of the past three quarters history , reducing the regular review load.

2. Credit Facility Management

Credit Facility and guarantee limit can be setup in Lamp for each customer. During creating new application, set linkage between application and limit, and check the available limit. In Lamp, customer can be grouped to parent customer, so the balance of group can be calculated.

3. NPL/Risk Management

Classification receivables based on the days in arrears for each repayment due date of the contract.

Why did you choose Lamp PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA ?

1. All in One : (Finance Lease, Mortgage Loan, Hire Purchase, Factoring)

Customer, Credit Balance, Credit Limit, etc. can be shared. Avoid duplicated work.

2. Functions as Financial Suite

Credit Management, Scoring, Workflow, Cash Management, Flexibility for Future Customization.

3. Understanding of New Requirements

Hearing in English, Thai, and Japanese. Excellent understanding from the experience of system integration.

4. Flexible to any size of business

Two types of solution On-premises and Cloud. PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA own solution, so easy to customize.

5. Comprehensive Solution

Easy integration with SIPP, SLIK Reporting, and other system.

6. Understanding the Development Policy

PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA understands the policy of the finance company and can proceed with the project efficiently.

7. Experience in the Finance and ERP Field

PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA can propose a solution from rich experience for the issue in the project and business.

Interest in purchasing or need more information?


Phone | (+62) 21 2788 1993

Menara Sentraya 17th Floor, Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta – 12160.

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