In carrying out business processes professionally, it is certainly necessary to have good and efficient data management implementation with the aim of helping your business productivity run as expected.
PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA is here as a provider of SharePoint services that is experienced and helps create innovative solutions in achieving business processes. This is supported by the effectiveness of SharePoint, where business processes can be easily accessed both from the office or mobile and can be provided with cloud infrastructure environment.
Innovative solutions have been presented by SharePoint and Nintex in banking payment workflows.
One example of SharePoint that has been presented by PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA in maximizing business productivity is the solution for "Payment Products" effectiveness. This is an effective transaction handling process for sending money from one bank to another and also for foreign currency exchange. When a customer wants to make a foreign exchange transaction, they will fill out a document consisting of transaction details and accompanying documents.

PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA was entrusted to automate a banking payment product with SharePoint as the solution. We designed the workflow using Nintex Workflow 2013 by creating a specific form to display and enter data. When an officer wants to make a foreign exchange transaction, the maker will input the data into the application and attach relevant document scans, while the checker will review the process inputted by the maker.
Attachments will be stored in the SharePoint library, so they can be easily managed and retrieved. The workflow will be triggered automatically after the data is saved, and within seconds, the transaction will be automatically displayed on the approval page. PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA designed the application to display task lists based on data availability in the Nintex Workflow database, which includes several tables such as WorkflowInstance, WorkflowProgress, HumanWorkflow, and HumanWorkflowApprovers. With this method, the process becomes simple and only requires one saved procedure with user login as a parameter to display the user's task list.
The detail page is a special HTML page for displaying transaction details, while the buttons (blue in color) at the bottom of the application are defaults from the Workflow design. For example, if the task is a request for approval, the button name will be "Approve". Therefore, the button name will be displayed based on the Workflow design, such as Approve, Reject, and Revise. With this flexibility, it can be seen that it is easy to add or update workflow design, which will not have a significant impact on the application. When the user completes the task (by clicking the approve or reject button), the application will call the Nintex Web Service to complete the task.
Management can see the Turn Around Time (TaT) of each transaction and the time spent on each approval, so they can assess the performance of each employee and make the right decisions. Using data availability in the Nintex database, PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA created custom charts to show the number of transactions per day (workflow instance) and average TaT as follows:

The graph on the middle page shows the number of transactions (workflow instances) for the product and time, while the graph on the right page shows the average TaT per product and the SLA to be achieved. With this information, top management can obtain additional information to make strategic decisions. At the beginning of 2015, several private banks in Indonesia have implemented the Nintex-SharePoint workflow solution for Payment Products, called "Workflow" in the headquarters and several branches.
Currently, there are around 600 active users using Workflow. This workflow module process is a payment product that is still used today as a tool for banks to carry out operational activities effectively and innovatively. At the beginning of 2016, several banks implemented Nintex Workflow to cover business processes, namely:
• Treasury Market Operations
• CIF Maintenance
• Loan Operations (Disbursement, Rollover, Settlement, and Interest Maintenance)
In addition to the above implementation example, there are still many advantages that can be presented by SharePoint from PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA. Let's maximize your business processes with various benefits that you will get from SharePoint with PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA.
Interested in knowing more about SharePoint with PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA ? Please contact us at hanbai@id.dentsusoken.com