Currently, the issue of money laundering is happening in Indonesia. Based on Wikipedia, Money Laundering is the illegal process of concealing the origins of money obtained illegally by passing it through a complex sequence of banking transfers or commercial transactions. PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA offers an easy-to-use system to identify customers involved in money laundering and financing of terrorism. The system is AML – Watch List System.
AML - Watch List System
By using the AML – Watch List System, our customers can identify which customers are suspects of money laundering or terrorist or financial crime and report the suspect to OJK. AML – Watch List System can use suspect of money laundry data from different institutions with different file formats such as:
PPATK: Pusat Pelaporan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan. Data in Ms. Excel Format.
KPK: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Data in Ms. Excel Format.
POLRI: Kepolisian Republik Indonesia. Data in Ms. Excel Format.
MOFA: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Data in Ms. Access Format.
OFAC: Office of Foreign Assets Control. Data in Ms. Access Format (one file with MOFA data).
The system could input watch list data using input form for others watch list data.
Beside that, AML- Watch List System can help to screening customer data from different institution and easy to compare updated data with previous data. No need to open one watch list file from different institution.

Based on the picture above, we can know that AML – Watch List System can integrated with other systems easily. AML – Watch List System is also a communicative system because it can upload watch list data using batch processing. So, our customers don’t have to waiting for the system. System will notify if upload process is already done. Other that, AML - Watch List System from PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA has several features related with IT Governance or IT Audit activity such as:
1. Login
Only users with a username and password could access this system. So this system is very safe to use.
Could integrate with Active Directory.
2. User Management
Show List of User, Add New User, Edit User, Activate or Deactivate User.
3. Roles Management
Show List of User Roles in the System.
4. Log Activity
Show date and time of all activities happened from All User, such as login, upload file, update setting, submit data for approval.
How to Report Suspect of Money Laundering Easly?
Based on OJK regulation, all multi finance company should report blacklist customer or suspect customer involve in money laundering and financing terrorism. PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA offers a system that can facilitate the reporting process easily by using goAML System. Our customer fills in the data in an Excel file. After that XML Generator will create XML file to be uploaded into normal System.

If the data is large, our customers can improve efficiency time by using normal System. No need to input data one by one. XML file from the goAml System is valid. It means no error when validated using XML schema from PPATK (Pusat Pelaporan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan).

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