The insurance industry, which is continuously growing rapidly, has become one of the sectors most affected by changes in accounting regulations. In Indonesia, the Financial Accounting Standards Statement (PSAK) 117 has become the primary focus, establishing strict reporting standards for insurance contracts. In this context, insurance companies face challenges in ensuring proper compliance while maintaining operational efficiency.
In response to these challenges, PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA introduces Hamilton, an advanced solution specifically designed to assist insurance companies in managing their financial reporting by PSAK 117. Hamilton not only enables companies to comply with standard requirements but also improves efficiency and accuracy in the reporting process.
One of Hamilton's key features is its pre-configured capability for PSAK 117. Hamilton ensures insurance companies stay ahead in complying with applicable regulations. Additionally, Hamilton offers robust predictive analysis, allowing insurance companies to make smarter decisions based on data and future projections. With deeper insights, management can plan more effective strategies to manage risks and improve long-term financial performance. Not only that, Hamilton also provides various licensing model options, including a flexible monthly subscription model and a perpetual licensing model that provides long-term stability for companies.
With Hamilton, insurance companies can not only ensure strict compliance with PSAK 117 but also optimize their financial reporting processes, increase efficiency, and gain competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive market. With this innovative approach, Hamilton proves itself as the leading solution to financial reporting challenges in the insurance industry.
For more information, please visit our website at www.id.dentsusoken.com/psak117.