PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA introduces a solution for managing information efficiently and environmentally friendly using i-Reporter. As an information technology company focusing on innovation, i-Reporter emerges as an answer to the challenge of managing data without relying on manual recording or paper usage.
With i-Reporter, the process of recording, reporting, and accessing information becomes easier and more efficient. Users can record and report information directly using electronic devices such as iPad, iPhone, or Windows tablets. Moreover, i-Reporter also enables users to access various reference documents such as PDFs, Excel, Word, images, movies, and 3D models directly from their devices.
One of the main advantages of the i-Reporter solution is its ability to reduce paper usage and time-consuming manual processes. By using i-Reporter, companies can improve operational efficiency, reporting quality, and reduce costs associated with paper usage. Additionally, this solution also provides a positive contribution to the environment by reducing the carbon footprint from paper usage.
With the presence of the paperless solution i-Reporter from PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA, not only does it improve the operational efficiency of companies, but it also contributes positively to environmental preservation. For further information about i-Reporter, please visit the official website of PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA at www.id.dentsusoken.com/ireporter.