Consumer Finance
Integrated Consumer Financial Solutions
In modern life, the need for consumer goods for the smooth running of daily life can be overcome through consumer financing. For example, its use for consumer goods includes electronics, vehicles, household appliances and other necessities.
The benefits of consumer financing, among others:
Solve the problem of funds when purchasing the items needed
Simple financing procedure
Financing approval is more concise and faster
Affordable interest & flexible payment terms
Products are ready to use at any time for the needs of consumers
What is the difference between consumer financing and leasing?
In general, leasing is a form of financing of capital goods which can be allocated with option (finance lease) or without option (operating lease) which can be based on predetermined period of time. As can be seen, leasing provides the use of funds for company assets, such as operational vehicles, machinery, and heavy equipment. In the other hand, consumer financing is more directed towards the purpose of personal consumption goods.
Lamp Consumer Finance
Lamp is an integrated financial suite tailored for client. Lamp offers packaged solution to meet your operation needs in consumer finance operational.

Consumer Finance Module Overview

Regulation Integrated System
Lamp System can easily integrated with other system and fulfill OJK Regulation.

Why choose Lamp Consumer Finance?
In general, Lamp Consumer Finance is a new solution & breakthrough to make it easier for you to make payments for consumer goods that can be integrated with other systems safely and easily. With the benefits of flexible payment times, it will certainly facilitate the welfare of consumers in the long term.
Lamp definition can be define as :
L - ocal Customized Modul
A - utomatic parameterization system
M - ultiple option for implemention
P - owerfull comprehensive solution
Advantages of Lamp Consumer Finance

Affordable Price
Monthly cost in Cloud or On Premise

Maintenance Infrastructure on Cloud by PT. DENTSU SOKEN INDONESIA
can reduce IT task in your company (Low IT resources).

Highly Expandable
Easy customization by use UI Path

Fast Implementation
Lamp consumer finance module already support your main operational and SLIK OJK regulation

Integrated Consumer Financial Solutions