FS Agent is a SaaS product designed to automate the process of financial document processing and analysis. By using artificial intelligence (AI), the FS Agent application extracts critical information from financial statements (e.g. Business Summary, Executive Summary, Management Discussion, Risk Factors, Stockholder Information, and Financial Data Analysis).
Financial Statement Analysis
FS Agent Flow Process

FS Agent offers two innovative methods for analyzing financial statements: Standard Analysis based on our templates and Customized Analysis to be configured by users. With FS Agent, you get a more advanced and versatile solution to meet all your company's financial analysis needs, ensuring unmatched accuracy and efficiency.
Your Ultimate Tool for Accurate and Flexible Financial Analysis!
Standard Analysis FS Agent
The financial statements that can be analyzed by FS Agent are divided into two types:
Audited and Unaudited
Audited financial statements are prepared by public accounting firms and audited by third parties.
Meanwhile, unaudited financial statements are prepared internally by the company and are not audited by third parties, resulting in more varied content.
Lets use FS Agent to obtain deep and reliable analysis from both types of statements!
S1: Business Summary
What the company does
Who its customers are
Industry in which it operates
Recent major events
S2: Executive Summary
Company director list
Executive earning structure
Directors’ plan to minimize debt and increase profitability
S3: Management View
View on financial condition
View on changes of economic environment
View on company outlook
S4: Risk Factor
Company litigation and legal cases
Company outstanding debts and insolvency risk
Company unexpected / extraordinary events
Company faced market risk information
Company faced credit risk information
Company faced liquidity risk information
Potential risk highlight
S5: Stockholder Information
Stockholder list
Dividend policies and activities
Share issuance
Share buyback
S6: Financial Data Analysis
Balance sheet performance
Income statement performance
Cash-flow performance
Main Features
FS Agent for Financial Statement
Information Collection: Table Example
Automatically pinpoint the exact location of the desired information within the document, gather all relevant data, and transform it into a structured table. If adjustments are needed, users can effortlessly edit the output table to meet their specific requirements.
Analysis/Calculation: Calculation Example
Automatically compute values based on provided formulas, utilizing data extracted from other information analysis points. Users retain the flexibility to fine-tune results by editing the output table according to their preferences.
Summary: Analysis Example
Automatically unravel the significance of numbers and fluctuations based on provided financial data. Drawing from various data extraction points, our tool provides profound insights. What's more, users have the freedom to refine outcomes effortlessly through editing the output table.
Final Output: Analysis Report Example
This report, serving as the culmination of all analyses, consolidates and summarizes the findings of our Financial Statement Analysis function. This page is pivotal, offering:
Online report editing Swiftly adjust content to your needs with ease.
Report download in Word format Facilitate further usage, including printing or ongoing analysis with other tools.
Rerun individual analyses Update the report effortlessly, dynamically incorporating any recent changes.

FS Agent: The Ultimate Tool for Fast and Accurate AI-Enabled Financial Statement Analysis
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