Time & Location
May 18, 2022, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Via Zoom
About the event
PT ISID Indonesia launcing the newest product and solution for tax invoices reporting, namely ERAI (E-Faktur Reporting Automation ISID). ERAI has 2 main features, they are incoming and outgoing tax invoices reporting. ERAIis fast, accurate, and no human error because ERAI use robots to extract data from Tax Invoice and report them to DJP using the eFaktur application. So ERAI can reduce effort, time, and cut operational cost too.
An example, if there are 10 thousand tax invoices in a month, it required 5 people and 2 weeks to do tax invoces reporting manually. But if we use ERAI, we just need 1-2 hours, with one button click automatic process, without supervision to do tax invoices reporting.
ISID Indonesia will present online webinar about ERAI for Bank and Finance.
If you interested and want to know more about ERAI, let’s join with our webinar by click registration button above.